Preschool Programs
5 Day Academic Program
Hours of operation: 9am to 3pm.
Monthly Cost: $845
5 Day Full-Day Program
Hours of Operation:
Indiana Campus 6:30am to 6pm
Pachappa Campus 7:00am to 6pm
Monthly Cost: $945
5 Day Half Day Program
Hours of Operation: 8:00am to 12:00pm
Monthly Cost: $795
3 Day Full Day Program
Hours of Operation: 6:30am to 6pm
Monthly Cost: $865
3 Day Academic Program
Hours of Operation: 9am to 3pm
Monthly Cost: $800
3 Day Half Day Program
Hours of Operation: 8am to 12pm
Monthly Cost: $740
KG-4th Grade Programs
5 Day Academic Program
Hours of operation: 9am to 3pm.
Monthly Cost: $845
5 Day Full-Day Program
Hours of Operation:
Indiana Campus 6:30am to 6pm
Pachappa Campus 7:00am to 6pm
Monthly Cost: $945
Yearly Enrollment Fee - $150 (Due prior to the beginning of each new school year)
The fee must accompany an updated enrollment application. The school year is 33 weeks, not including Winter, Spring, and Summer vacation. Credit for the holidays are taken into consideration when the total annual costs was calculated and the annual tuition set. The registration fee, or any portion, is non-refundable once it has been paid even if the student withdraws before the beginning of the school year.
Yearly Material Fee - $150 (Due each October)
In lieu of an individualized supply list for each child, a material fee of $150 is due with the October Tuition for equipment, materials, and books.
Potty Training Fee - $100 (Due monthly)
This fee is in addition to the tuition and must be paid monthly for preschool students who wear pull-ups.
Other Fees & Discounts:
Tuition is due by the 1st of each month. Tuition must be paid for the month even if the child is absent due to sickness, family vacation, inclement weather, etc. A late charge of $25.00 must be added if tuition is paid after the 5th of the month. The monthly tuition is not prorated due to school closings in observance of holidays/vacations or for student vacations. If a student withdraws before the end of the school year, the tuition must be paid for the months that he/she attends. Please allow a one month notice to the director in case a child is withdrawing from the program. No records will be transferred if there is a balance due on the student’s account.
A 5% discount is available on tuition only if paid in full by August 1st or at the time of enrollment after August 1st.
A 5% discount is allowed on the second child from multiple-child families.
To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm
(951) 533-8119
You can also request more information with this form: